Hurry Brings Worry & Haste is Waste - Samurai Innovation
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Episode #27

Hurry Brings Worry & Haste is Waste

  Episode 27 Show Notes

Hurry brings worry, and haste is waste.

Let me ask you a big question.

What's on your mind? 

What have you been worrying about in the last week that has you staying up late at night, sorry, and what's got you confused, perplexed?

What has you angry?

What has you sad?

There's going to be something on your mind, and it causes you to worry.
Now, there's five hurry triggers, that cause people to get into a panic, and they start making inaccurate decisions.

They start making decisions too quickly, without thinking through them. In a lot of times, there's a painful consequence to that decision. There's five triggers. Hopefully you've got a pen, and you're ready to go.

Now, there's five ways that you can get out from underneath these triggers. The five ways go like this.

First question that I'm going to ask you, what are you worrying about?

It's important to just write it down on a sheet of paper. Put it in front of you. A lot of times, the worry, and the hurry that's triggered by that, comes from not clearly seeing a problem. A lot of times, just a clean sheet of paper in front of you, and you write out the problem.

The next thing is, why is this decision important for you to make in such a rush?

Why is this decision important for you to make in such a rush?

You then start asking that question, "Why is this important for me? Why do I have to make this decision?"

The next question is, "Who is pushing you to make this decision? Who is forcing you to decide? Who is creating the hurry?

Now, we go into the timeline sequencing.

When do you have to decide on this? That's important to write that date on that same sheet of paper. When do you have to make a decision on this?

Go back through all your time on this earth, and ask yourself, "How often have you made a great decision in a rush?" Probably never. I know for me, it's very seldom.

How can you take time away from this panic, or this hurry, or this worry to make a more focused decision?

Then the next one is, where can you get support to help you make a better decision? Because there are people out there that have walked a similar path as you have, they have made the same decision, and they actually have information and feedback that they can give you.

Now, one of the things that I think that you can do to take this in and make it a little more manageable for you this week is to follow the sequence.

Step number one, have a clean sheet of paper in front of you.

Step number two, write down, what are you worrying about?

Step number three, why is this decision important for you to make in such a hurry?

Step number four, who is pushing you to make the decision?

Step five, when do you have to decide on this?

Step six, how can you take time away and put some time between you and the decision, so you can make a more focused decision? Where can you reach out and get support to help you make this decision?

Leave us a comment telling us how this has already helped you or will help you make a decision this week. How much better will you make this decision based on the Hurry Brings Worry framework we shared with you.

Hurry brings worry, and haste is waste.

Let me ask you a big question.

What's on your mind?

What have you been worrying about in the last week that has you staying up late at night, sorry, and what's got you confused, perplexed?

What has you angry?

What has you sad?

There's going to be something on your mind, and it causes you to worry.
Now, there's five hurry triggers, that cause people to get into a panic, and they start making inaccurate decisions.

They start making decisions too quickly, without thinking through them. In a lot of times, there's a painful consequence to that decision. There's five triggers. Hopefully you've got a pen, and you're ready to go.

Domo Arigato.

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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