This Week's Plan Podcast Show with Shane Fielder of Samurai Innovation

This Week's Plan Podcast

Get Ready To Turn Up Your Productivity
With This Week’s Plan Podcast

Through This Week's Plan podcast show, we will provide you with coaching and encouragement to develop a phenomenal mindset that will help you create a more balanced life both personally and professionally. Join us as we expand on strategies and techniques to help you center your focus, accelerate your results and improve your momentum.

Are you ready to shift from making it through the week to owning your week and fitting in all the right things? Checkout our current episode below in video or podcast audio format.

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About This Week's Plan Podcast Show:

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What Attracted You To This Week's Plan?

Have you been trying to hack your way to greater levels of productivity?

Maybe you thought it's all about organization and being the most organized person that you know at the office or at home . Have you been looking for just a few simple strategies and tactics that you can use to beat out and elbow your competitors?

Have you been looking for the slight edge that nobody else knows and that you can use to profit and get ahead?

Seriously, how long have you been looking and trying to claw back a few extra precious hours of time so you can have more family time, friend time, fun time?

Lately, have you found it tougher to identify a strong sense of meaning and direction?

Have you found it more challenging to know which way to to turn and which way to proceed?

Are you tired of just trying to make it through each day to go from one Zoom call conference call to a Microsoft Teams call?

And just at the end of the day, you all you've done has been on calls and you just want to shut down your computer. If that's you. If you answered yes to one any or all of these, you're in the right place.

Welcome to This Week's Plan, where we help you transform possibility into reality.

We help you accomplish the right things each week so you can enjoy a more balanced life, both personally and professionally.

Join in as we share real world battle tested strategies and techniques to help you center your focus, accelerate your results and improve your momentum to avoid being overwhelmed. This isn't just about making it through. It's about fitting in all the right things. Join our host of this This Week's Plan, Shane Fielder.

What is This Week's Plan podcast show about?

I wanted to create something that I could help my Dojo Members who live across the globe, create better, stronger weeks, have greater levels of productivity and make an even bigger impact in their corner of the world.

And so through This Week's Plan, I'm going to share with you some strategies, tactics and resources that we use here at Samurai Innovation with our one to one clients. We use it on ourselves so that we can create quality weeks of productivity, accomplishment and advancement. So the number one strategy I want to set forth right now is the planning mindset. We want to sit down one time, try and be consistent every week, sitting down at that time, looking and figuring out how can we make each week a highly productive, highly effective, and highly transformational week.

If you do that, you create a quality week. And if you string together enough quality weeks, guess what happens?

You get greater levels of results.

You cross more finish lines, the milestones add up and you will have a bigger smile on your face than before starting listening to and watching This Week's Plan. Now, I will share with you strategies to get you focused and help you stay focused. One of the strategies I'd love to share with you right now is at Samurai Innovation, we always say "narrow the focus, widen the gains, narrow your focus, widen the gains."

It's all it all comes down to knowing which few key right priorities that you want to accomplish. You need to focus on those few key right priorities. And then when you do, you'll see greater levels of results.

You'll you'll stack up the milestones, you'll cross the finish line, and then you'll say, what's next? And I'll say, rinse and repeat. That's it. Rinse and repeat. It's easy to get distracted in this hyper-connected world we live in. It's easy to get off track, off base, discouraged and disheartened from the media. And at the end of the day, you need something that will keep you centered. It will keep you moving forward to accomplish the right things for you.

It's all about creating what I call accelerated momentum.

Each week has great power within it, but also each week has an opportunity for distractions, interruptions, challenges and obstacles to come your way.

And we want to help you get rid of those things, navigate those things, blend with them, so that they don't stop you. You can always be creating more momentum to accelerate faster toward what you want. And so it's going to help you strengthen your position as a key producer.

You will also grow commanding professional leadership skills.

Now, at This Week's Plan, we're all about fitting in all of the right things.

You can't do everything, but you can do the right things. And so it's really about knowing what are those right things that you can fit into this week so you can accomplish a greater level, greater meaningful level of things than you ever did before.

What can you expect out of this podcast show?

It's a seasonal show, season one has 10 episodes.

It's just going to be a solo show. I'm teaching you core things. And so it's you and I working together one on one each week in this format, you'll learn some amazing core strategies and techniques that I share with my one to one clients and other highly impactful and producer, and productive people while dealing with the distractions and obstacles that seem to come your way. Now, the show is broken into two parts each week, so the first part is Friday.

Now what happens on Friday?

Friday, you and I are going to spend eight to 15 minutes, give or take a minute or two together. I'll be sharing with you some core strategies. It would be like you and I are sitting right side by side so I can help you create a dynamic and powerful and impactful weekly plan for yourself so you can go out and have a productive week. Well, what happens second, Shane?

Second comes Wednesday and it's the Midweek Pivot. Now, Wednesday is that day of the week. And whether you work a traditional Monday to Friday or you have a shift week schedule or some sort of different alternative work schedule, Wednesdays, that midpoint in the week where everybody has to make a decision and you've either started the week on top of the world, you feel great.

You've had great energy and a lot of things are going right for you. Then we want to help you decide how to accelerate that momentum. Now, if you get to that midpoint of the week and things are not going great and you've had a few curveballs thrown at you and a few major obstacles and distractions have emerged, then we want to be helping you ask yourself which domino of productivity can you push over next so that you can end the week strong and you can finish the week on a good note and feeling like you still have put some win, some points in the win column.

You've moved the needle ahead and you've set up the next week to be even better than this past week. And so really, it's those two things that we're going to help you do each week on a Friday and a Wednesday.

Become part of the show - Ask Your Question!

I have some really great dojo members already here at Samurai Innovation. They've already sent me in their questions and concerns and challenges with weekly planning. And I will seek to answer those through each episode of this season.

But I also welcome you to become part of the show by sending your questions and your feedback to me. And you can always send questions and feedback to me by using the handy form near the top of the page, right now.

It's an easy way to get a hold of me. I welcome your feedback. I look forward to your questions.

Do you have a weekly planning advisor?

You do now. I'm Shane Fielder. It's nice to meet you.

Nice to work with you.

Why did I start This Week's Plan?

Ten years ago actually started in productivity coaching, started helping people get more productivity using different systems and tools and techniques and processes. Then I shifted into career turnaround, career coaching while still keeping a connection to my productivity coaching clients. And then I shifted into business transformation and career transformation.

Essentially we call the two groups of people that we serve here at Samurai Innovation, a producer and a leader.

And you're a producer because you're a high impact career person. You're maybe an intrapreneur or highly esteemed professional working within a large organization or company. And you're making your mark there. And we want to help you make a bigger mark or you're a business owner or you're a business leader and you're trying to transform, turn around and grow your business so that you can make a bigger impact and serve more clients and serve more people. And we want to help you do that as well.

And one of the things that I noticed when I work with the producers and the leaders is that:

All success starts with a solid weekly plan.

All success starts from an idea of knowing what you want to accomplish, identifying some pathways to get there and removing the obstacles and distractions and the distortions and the things that come to shake you and tilt you off your game, so that you can end up at the finish line. Now, I realize that I also created This Week's Plan because I realized that I can't work with everybody.

I'm one person with a small team. I know I can't work with everybody across the globe due to time zone issues or whatever you want to call it. But I figured out this is a way that we can work together. And so this is my gift to you. I want to be a resource to you and I want to help you create a greater impact in your corner of the world so that together we can become a greater force of good out in the world and we can be change agents and we can go out and make a dynamic, positive contribution to the world around us.

OK, I'm Shane Fielder. I look forward to seeing you next week in Episode One.

Domo Arigato.

Shane Fielder - Founder of Samuai Innovation Coaching Services

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