Sunrise 15 of 90 Day Goal - Samurai Innovation
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July 27-13-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sunrise 15 of 90 Day Goal

25% closer to the 90 Day Goal

July 27: 11C/51F

Today seemed like an uneventful sunrise on a Saturday.  Tough to pull yourself out of bed early on a Saturday when you had a late Friday night prior like we did. But we did because we were motivated to add a photo under the win column of getting our 60 out of 90 sunrises done.  That is what a compelling 90 day goal will do for you.

If your goals are well placed and you are motivated with solid purpose,  you will show up and do the work necessary.

Lucky Moments

Out of this comes surprises and sources of “lucky moments”.  Luck was defined as being the moment when “preparation meets opportunity” (Earl Nightingale).

This morning was very windy.  As I was focusing the camera something magical happened.   The trees that yesterday seemed to be in my way, today became a magnificent prop.  The trees caused a star burst like effect in front of Mr. Sun as shown below.

July 27-13-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

One other tip for you to be able to have lucky moments: use and choose the right tools.

Having the right tools will make all the difference.   Today I was trying to manually capture the star bursts but it was tough to coordinate the shutter, my finger and my eyes.  Then I switched to a function on my new Galaxy Camera called best photo.

This function requires you to steadily hold the camera and press the shutter.  The camera then takes 8 speed shots and the results follow below.  Remember that the right tool for the task doesn’t have to be the best.  I am working with a mid level point and shoot camera, not a thousand dollar plus professional camera.

July 27-13-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

The unobstructed rise came a few minutes later this morning.

July 27-13-5-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

July 27-13-5-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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