Do You Prefer Snow or Cold - Samurai Innovation
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Do You Prefer Snow or Cold

This Dojo Member letter covers how you can build momentum this week, even if it is outside walking in -20C/-4F.

I was out walking with my German Shepherd ("Samurai Claire") this week during a -20C or -4F sunny morning. Whether you are in Celsius or Fahrenheit, minus means freezing cold.


I instantly thought of all the extra time it takes to gear up and get ready for a winter walk. The head gear, layers, jacket, big boots, and warm gloves.

It is kind of like what happens when we have major things to accomplish but can't seem to get going very fast.

I was talking with some friends this week and I asked, "If you could only have one, do you prefer snow or cold weather?"

Some said snowfall is harsh to deal with because it slows everything down and is tough to drive in. Others said they can handle the cold and prefer dry roads to drive on.

Let me ask you this:

Has your week felt very busy or slow moving?

Shane Fielder Walking in Minus 20 Celsius - Mar 2023

Yes you can build momentum this week using one of these options.

Yes that is me geared up on this freezing cold -20C walk.

Once I get going on these walks, it seems easy once I establish the rhythm. Momentum can slowly build into a great sweaty walk. I can actually appreciate the quiet beauty of such a walk because we are mostly alone on the walk.

Sound similar to getting quality things done?

I feel that the extreme cold weather is a great metaphor for dealing with busyness or slow moving things (procrastination) that we all navigate.

Heavy snowfall can symbolize the weight of overwhelming things to do that creates unnecessary anxiety.

If you're feeling unmotivated and need something fresh to help you take action towards your goals, here are a few ideas to think about as you head into the weekend:

A. Sketch out or mind map all the quality things you want to do next week. Making things visual on paper can help silence the noise and craziness in your mind.

Mind maps also allow you to connect different ideas and goals in a non-linear way.

You can then apply numerical priorities to the map. Fold it up and carry it around next week as you move through the items. See how much more you get done.

B. Journaling can be a powerful way to clarify your goals, reflect on your progress, and stay motivated. Rather than focusing solely on visual images, journaling allows you to capture your thoughts and ideas in writing.

Last week, I shared with you my journey into a 5 year memory book. I am enjoying the process of having to choose one or two awesome things from the day to record.

Yes, there have been a few days where I had to dig deep into what was great. That in of itself boosts your resilience and gratitude muscles.

C. Answer one question: "What's good about this situation?"

You can think it over, talk it over or write it down. My friends who are avid skiers and snowboarders, they have been buzzing lately with fresh snow to go ride while others are cringing driving to the office.

One lady I spoke with this past week told me how she went to work at a place 40 minutes away from home and in the process she learned that she could soak up more audio books during the commute.

Perspective is a lot of things. Let's shift yours to build momentum this week.

Why not let me know in the comments below if you are going to try option A, B or C this weekend.

Domo Arigato,

P.S. Need a little mind mapping inspiration? You can see my hand made procrastination mind map here.

P.P.S. Let me know in the comments below if you decide to go for a new journal or 5 year memory book. It will be totally worth it.

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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Shane Fielder - Founder of Samuai Innovation Coaching Services

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