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Are you going to finish strong this year?

2012 New Year Intermission

Think back to January this year  when everyone else was setting their New Year Resolutions.  Did you participate in the party?

Does January seem like a long way back in the rear-view mirror?

Do you recall if you set any New Year Resolutions?

What were the goals you set for yourself back then?

Do these questions fill you with a sense of accomplishment or dread?

The story of two students

When training students in the martial arts, I have often seen two faces around the dojo. These two faces show up around testing days. Testing occurs when the Sensei (teacher) feels the student should be ready to move to the next level of rank. The student is called to the center of the mat space and asked to demonstrate a variety of techniques based on the teaching syllabus.

Face number one is usually marked by a calm, serene, hopeful look. This is the mark of the student who has diligently been preparing for this day since his or her last promotion date. The second face that appears is one of pure anxiety. The student looks around the room hoping  that they can be anywhere else but there in the room. The resulting face comes from a lack of confidence in knowing how to correctly perform the required techniques. Simply put, it is derived from a2012 New Year Intermission lack of preparation, consistency of training and focus.

How does these two students relate to you and your goals, dreams, and desires?

What about those New Year Resolutions?

In Canada this week, we celebrated Canada Day. Our friends in the United States of America celebrated Independence Day. I use these two monumental dates to remind me that we have approached the half-way point of the year.

Consider this week to be your intermission or break in the year.

This is the optimal time to reassess your vision, mission, goals dreams and desires along with… yes, even those New Year Resolutions.  Over the next few articles, we’ll share with you the tools and processes that we personally use here at Samurai Innovation to set and accomplish our essential priorities.

Domo Arigato


About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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