2017 Best Year Yet - Samurai Innovation
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2017 Best Year Yet by Samurai Innovation

2017 can be your best year yet if you ensure you meet three success criteria in the coming year.  You will also need a simple, but doable plan to help you navigate the highs and lows that will come for you this new year.  You also want to forget about setting New Year Resolutions.

Click Play on the video below for Shane's New Year Message to you.  In it you will learn:

  • 3 Criteria of Success for 2017
  • 3 Abstractions that may drive your connection among people this year
  • How to get a free ticket to our Best Year Yet Workshop
  • An inspiring poem that will help you "Make a Difference" each day of the new year

Best Year Yet Resources:

Below you will find the resources mentioned in the video above.

2017 Monumental Year Workshop Access

Shane is hosting a live, FREE workshop designed to share with you our proven New Year planning process. You will leave the workshop with an actionable, results based plan that will help you make 2017 Your Best Year Yet.

Click on the graphic below to go to the registration page for either Jan 5th or Jan 7th. You won’t regret joining us for this workshop. Start your 2017 stronger than you finished 2016, regardless how last year ended for you.

Thurs, Jan 5th @ 8:30pm EST

jan5-monumental-year registration

Sat, Jan 7th @ 2:30pm EST

jan 7-monumental-year registration

Collateral Beauty Trailer

For the original Collateral Beauty trailer that we highlighted in our Best Year Yet video message go to the following itunes trailer link below.  You should also checkout the featurette as well where the actors tell you the premise behind this awesome film.

Today, I Will Make a Difference by Max Lucado

Play the video above and slide to the halfway marker to hear this awesome poem.  The poem comes from "On the Anvil" by Max Lucado.

I have this poem in a framed version that sits on my desk and that I review often.  Use this each day through 2017 to inspire you toward greatness. 

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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