Focus on Your Weekly Plan on 1 Page in 7 Minutes Each Week
Samurai Innovation
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The Innovative Samurai will walk you through your Weekly Plan

Focus on Your Weekly Plan

This Simple 7 Minute Video will Reveal Our Secret Process To Executing an Easy to Use, Realistic, Results Based Weekly Plan For You!

Focusing on developing and executing a simple, but easy to use weekly plan will improve your focus and end results that will help you reach your goals, dreams or desires faster.  Play the video to see how I describe the process.  Below the video you will find our simple weekly plan process that we use at Samurai Innovation.

One Page Weekly Planning

Our Samurai Innovation process will help you create a weekly plan that can fit onto one page and will allow you to refer to it daily.  Do this several times per day to keep your focus sharp and directed.  This is one element of keeping your productive ability at it’s highest point.

Focus Elements for a Strong Weekly Plan

  1. Did you celebrate all your wins this past week?
  2. Did you live out your personal Mission/Vision Statement during the week?
  3. What Rituals worked best for you this past week?
  4. What Values did you exemplify well this past week?
  5. What part of your Code of Behaviour did you follow well this past week?
  6. What Rituals do you want to improve upon & focus on this upcoming week?
  7. What Values do you want to center & focus on this upcoming week?
  8. What part of your Code of Behaviour do you want to exemplify in the upcoming week?

The last part is to take your 3-5 Essential Priorities and define the top 3 action steps for each priority that will move you closer to accomplishment versus just being busy.

Now take those key action steps and move them onto your daily calendar system so that you can keep your focus visual throughout each day.  Refer back to your plan often as this will help you keep the distractions and diversions at bay and out of your way to reaching your final destination called Accomplishment.

Domo Arigato

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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