Samurai Innovation
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Mindset Monday by Samurai Innovation

Episode #19
One Tip for Better Strategic Action Planning

Mindset Monday - Episode 19 Show Notes

What if this one tip could boost your effectiveness in turning planning into actionable results?

No matter how great you are at strategic planning, one key piece needs to happen for the planning to be effective and that is...


Today's Mindset Monday coaching tip will get you focused on asking this critical question.  How you ask the question will determine the level of benefit that you get back in return. 

We purposefully have not disclosed this question, because you need to invest at least one minute of watching the above video to "get it".  Press play now above.  You won't regret it.

End of Mindset Monday Transcript

Leave us a comment and let us know how this one tip today will impact you for the rest of today, tomorrow and this week.  It's a big question that can change the course of your year.  It's your time, seize it and use this tip to help you boost your strategic action planning.

Domo Arigato.

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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