73% Pushing the Goal Completion - Samurai Innovation
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73% Pushing the Goal Completion

73% Pushing the Goal Completion

Sept 10:

These final days we find ourselves in the home stretch of getting our goal done.  60 sunrises in 90 days is the plan.  Here is our evidence from today:

Sept 10-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 10-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 10-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 10-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 10-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 10-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 9:

Yes it still counts from the interstate!  Some days, you need to do all you can to show up an put in the work to add a few points to the board.  That is how you win the game of getting your goals done.

Sept 9-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 9-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 9-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 9-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 9-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 9-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4:14C/58F

We beat Mr. Sun up this morning and caught him before he crested the horizon by our place. You too will build momentum and be early on getting your goals done.

Sept 4-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 4-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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