Samurai Innovation
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Sunrise Goal Closing – 88%

We have only 12% left to reach our Sunrise Goal!

Sept 28 Sunrise:

Sometimes when you go for a goal and you’re working hard, some positive surprises happen along the way.  Chance, luck, coincidence or whatever you prefer finds you when you are taking action on being a goal getter versus a goal setter.  This happened to us today.

You will see below the sunrise we were capturing.  Ominous were the black clouds overhead.  But Mr. Sun was in fine form today looking to make his mark.

Sept  28-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 28-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept  28-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 28-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Then we looked to the left and saw a excellent row of trees and tried to have some fun with our awesome Samsung Galaxy camera.  The photo below makes you wonder how we were at the same sunrise.

Sept  28-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 28-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Turn Around

We then turned around to see Mr. Sun shining brightly on a massive pond area.  It was glorious.  Just click on the photos for a larger view

When you are working on your 90 day plan to be a goal getter, you might want to take a pause once in a while.  Stop and think about the goals you are trying to achieve.  Look at all the good that is happening to you while you make small changes towards achieving the goal.

We were surprised and delighted by this sunrise.  I love how the homes reflect from the water surface like a big mirror.  Leave a comment below if you too like it.

Sept  28-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 28-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept  28-5-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 28-5-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 27 Sunrise:

Samurai Claire and myself hit the suburban trails early today and found a nifty new spot in a neighbourhood close by.  Today gives you a slight glimpse into the early morning hours of the area.  Step outside your current comfort zone in order to explore new horizons.  This might be going to a networking event, calling a new person or searching online for a resource to help you.  Just go for it.  You can always go back to your normal ways and habits.

Sept 27-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 27-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 25 Sunrise:

Not much to report her today except for the pesky clouds being in our way during Mr. Sun attempting to make his way onto the scene.  Napoleon Hill said in his classic book, Think and Grow Rich that to every setback, there is the seed of equivalent benefit.  What he meant by this is that there is always goodness around you.  The problem is whether you see it.  So today, we see the clouds as something awesome with the pink highlights.

This won’t stop us from reaching our 90 day goal of capturing 60 sunrises within 90 days.

Sept 25-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Sept 25-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal


About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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