Sunrise 27-28-29 of 90 Day Goal - Samurai Innovation
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Sunrise 27-28-29 of 90 Day Goal

These Sunrises captured brings us to 48.3% of our 90 Day Sunrise Goal.

Aug 13: 12C/55F

Awesome sunrise. We didn’t have much time today.  But sometimes, you need to employ the “Done is Good” philosophy.

Samurai Innovation 90-Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-5-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Samurai Innovation 90-Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 13-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11: 10C/51F

Who gets up early on a Sunday to take a sunrise picture?

Nobody except a guy who has a 90 day goal to complete. I know you’re watching to see if we reach the mark of 60 out of 90 sunrises. Today I am thrilled because not a cloud was present in the sky to get in Mr . Sun’s way. The air was clean and silent. The rooster sang proud and strong in synchronized fashion.

I knew when I approached the deck that this would be an amazing sunrise .

Today is a day to go for it. You want these days when you are working hard on achieving a meaningful goal. Yes they come so you need to be ready to turn up the intensity. These are acceleration days where you can put some serious focus and get a massive return.

We’re were not disappointed with today’s outcome.

Aug 11-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 11-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10: 11C/52F

Another Saturday upon us. Last night I was inclined to skip the sunrise and opt for sleeping later. Guess what drove me to get up and take the shot?


You motivated me to post the shot and be accountable.

I was also motivated because I have a clear number to reach being 60 out of 90 sunrises. Lately we have had rainy mornings. Those mornings cut into my number of sunrise chances. Unlike other goals, Mr. Sun only rises during a short window each day which I have to be ready for.

You may be able to procrastinate on some of you goals, but don’t confuse the metrics or Fundamental Success Indicators™ as we teach.

What we ended up with is a pile of great quality sunrise shots. Checkout Mr. Sun being held up by the trees. He was shifting well today which had me focus on the shot. Slight movements of the camera created tremendously different and unique results. Well worth it.

Aug 10-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-1-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-2-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-3-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal

Aug 10-4-Samurai Innovation 90 Day Sunrise Goal


About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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