Samurai Innovation
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Episode #6
Black Rock Goal Getting Adventure

Viewer Tip:  Wind noise is in this video at certain points.  Click on the CC or closed captions icon to read what Shane is saying at those moments.

Go to the edge of your limits

The 11 minute video adventure today takes you with us on the black rock goal getting tour of Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, Canada. This was an exceptional 2 hour challenge that we distilled down to the core essential parts for you.


The premise today is to go to the edge of your limits when pursuing your most important goals. Why?

Because even an inch, minute, or a few footsteps past your current abilities will develop even greater capability for you. Your newly created capability enlarges your capacity to accomplish your top goals and dreams.

Hmm… I wonder what's out there

There were many people on the beach shore wondering what was out there on that huge black rock. Many pondered, but only a rare few did something about their curiosity.

What do you wonder about accomplishing in your life?

What actions are you taking on your curiosity?

What would you do, if you knew you could not fail?

We decided to join the group of knowers versus the dreamers. Accomplishment starts with planning after you get the good idea. But preparedness is also a critical component as well. We prepared for the trip by taking along our essential hiking gear as shown below. We were ready to capitalize on any opportunities that came our way such as the black rock hike.

Checkout our simple goal getting gear that we packed.

Simple, but highly effective for a mini-adventure to the black rock. I would not have done this in sandals or even a modest pair of sneakers.

Shane Fielder Hiking Gear - Samurai Innovation

What are you doing to be prepared for opportunities that come your way because…

Opportunity comes your way, everyday.

The opportunities you are seeking are there right now.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Your answer will help you understand your current mindset and what you can do in order to leverage or improve it. Small steps of focus is one key that you can take into this week.

What will you do this week to ready yourself for opportunities that come your way?

All goal getting comes down to systems

Accomplishing something worthy, just doesn't happen on a whim. You need a system to plan, start out, forge ahead and finish strong. Then you get to celebrate your accomplishments. That is a great feeling.

Here is the system we demonstrated today for you:

Idea - Forge Ahead - Finish Strong - Samurai Innovation

1. Start with a great idea

  • Set your heart and mind to it

2.  Forge Ahead Daily

  • Stay with your progress
  • Imperfect actions taken daily and consistently over time

3.  Finishing Well/ Strong

  • Monumental finish
  • Push past the naysayers
  • Some of your biggest critics can become your biggest fans

Goal getting doesn't have to be complicated.

You don't need 95 people to vet your plan, you just need to start. Once you are started, you can make enhancements to the actions and plan along the way. Little enhancements with consistency will compound into terrific results for you over time. Then make sure to celebrate what you accomplish because that fuels your next start or adventure.

Let us know what you plan on accomplishing in the next 90 days. What did you find most helpful from today's inspiration? Leave a comment below and we shall chat further.

Goal getting brings surprises

Here are a few of the surprises we have for you to enjoy.  These are some of the vantage points along the black rock goal getting journey that we took for you. If you are ever out near Vancouver Island Canada, I encourage you to stop by Ucluelet or Tofino.  You won't regret it.

black rock goals-image07-samurai innovation

Domo Arigato.

About the Author Shane Fielder

I am a grower of human capability and a business builder. The best part of my life is helping people become stronger and develop their skills, talents and character in order to lead powerful lives. I have had the great privilege to study under some of the greatest minds of business, leadership, health and fitness along with the most talented Martial Arts instructors. My passion is helping people to become even more powerful in life than they already are.

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